letter of donation to some library near you to give a copy of “The Transvestite and His Wife.” Very few of you have taken me up on this. There are not many ways in which you can say thank you for whatever you may have gotten out of TVia and FPE-other than by letter. But by getting this book into your local city or university library where it can be found by some other lonely and distraught FP or by his dis- turbed and frightened wife you will be helping to pass on the torch. "Do as you were done by," is all I ask. If each of you were to do this the libraries of this country would have something to list under T - Trans- vestism other than "Male Madam” and the like. Did you ever go into a library and look in the index for some help? You did! And did you find anything worthwhile? If you did you were lucky, most of us didn't. Why not help the next guy who comes along and have something for him to find? 2) I have also several times offered and suggested that you spend a couple of dollars and buy some copies of the "Introduction to Transvestism" at 10c each which is their cost to me. Send these out to doctors, ministers, police departments, marriage counsellors, etc. Probably you won't ever know whether your investment really paid off but you will have contributed your bit to the general information on the subject. Someone somewhere and sometime will profit by that wider knowledge on the part of someone that he consults in a moment of need. You can't help me much but you can help others in this way. How about it? I have personally given away literally thousands of these leaflets they have been reprinted 7 or 8 times. It has also been translated into Spanish, German, Swedish, Danish and will soon be in French.

V AGAIN A REQUEST: As I've said many times in the past the biggest consumer of my time is correspondence. Please assist me in keeping up with things by writing out your questions in such a way that they can be answered in a few words. Do it on a separate sheet and enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope and you'll probably get the answer very quickly. But when they are inserted in a letter I've got to take time to write a letter back and in the meantime they get put in a pile and sometimes they just never get to the top. I try to take care of everybody but even with Mary's help it is getting increasingly difficult to do so and keep up on everything else too. Soo . . oo . . please help. VI. CONTACT AND PERSON ΤΟ PERSON: When using CONTACT please remember to put your letter in an unsealed, stamped envelope and enclose the $1 fee. Please don't write anything on the face of the envelope other than the femmename and code of the addresses in pencil so we can erase it to mail it. Sealed envelopes just have to be opened and inked names just have to be covered up. If you want your return name and address in the corner that is O.K.